Thursday, March 12, 2009

Child Education

So not only have i been counting down the days till the Twilight DVD comes out(Nine more days) and if you don't know what Twilight is then shame on you :) I have also been very busy with classes. I am taking a class for childhood education and I enjoy it a lot. I am doing very well and I do not mind doing work unlike my work for history and math :). So I finally decided what my major is going to be DRUM ROLL please... Early Childhood Education. I am going to be getting my AA and then hopefully be transferring to a University. All you need is a AA to get a job as a preschool teacher or a child care provider but I might want to further it and go on. So yup thought I would share that little tid bit of information to whoever reads this because nothing else has been going on in my life.
I did go to the drive in last week with Stacey, kyle, and Trace though. We saw Taken and the Uninvited but that is pretty much about it.

1 comment:

jackie said...

Proud of you...keep it up!